India’s nodal body for clearing procurement for the country’s armed forces has approved purchase two regiments of surface to air Aakash missiles and other projects at a cost of Rs. 9,100 crore on Tuesday.
Defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman presided the meeting of DAC (Defence Acquisition Council) that cleared the purchase of Akash missiles under the ‘Buy Indian’ category from state owned BDL (Bharat Dynamics Limited)
“The upgraded Akash Weapon System is operationally critical equipment which will provide protection to vital assets,” said ministry of defence.
This upgraded version of the previously inducted Akash missile will include seeker technology, possess 360 degree coverage and will be of compact configuration with reduced signature.

Jayant Patil of L&T Defence hands over the 1,000th integrated Akash propulsion system to Bharat Dynamics Limited in May 2018. (File Photo).
The acquisition council also approved the design and development of individual under water breathing apparatus for T-90 Tanks that are the mainstay of India’s armored column.
Developed by DRDO Lab DEBEL, this system which is called IUWBA is used by the crew of battle tanks as a safety gear and is required for emergency escape when negotiating water obstacles while deep fording.
The panel also approved design and development of test equipment for guided weapons system of T 90 Tanks.
The equipment is being developed by the DRDO, India’s premier defence research and development body in public sector.
Earlier India used to procure this equipment from abroad, however, the new system has been developed indigenously as per the Make in India policy of the government.